From the one hundred diners who had assembled for the 'Seconds to the Fore' Degustation in the gorgeous room at Cutler + Co, on a typically wintry Melbourne Sunday, there rose a sigh of immense pleasure.
The lunch was born from my curiosity to learn about the directions, influences and aspirations that mould the new generation of cooks and how this might augur for future dining and to challenge young chefs to use humble ingredients, with skill, flair and imagination.
Gentleman amongst chefs and surprisingly humble to boot, Andrew McConnell (“The Age” 2010 Chef of the Year) once again agreed to an exploratory collaboration volunteering not only his divine Fitzroy space but his chefs at Cumulus, the young Josh Murphy as well as John Paul Twomey from Cutler & Co. Wanting to balance the genders and metro/rural, I also invited Brooke Payne from Momo, Leilani Wolfenden then floating at Comme and Anthony Simone from Bright in NE Victoria.
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