‘If you want to travel quickly, go alone;
if you want to travel far, go together.’
African proverb
if you want to travel far, go together.’
African proverb
As a new service to our clients and guests we are now charging in the currencies that apply to how tours are paid. We trust this is in our clients’ best interests as a measure to avoid the volatility of money markets in the last year. Effectively this means two things. Across the board, tour costs based on current exchange rates are coming in at 2006/7 prices and on average represent savings in the vicinity of $2000 per person. Moreover, your funds are secured into a trust account, so you can park your funds in advance at a time you choose to be most in your favour.
To View the fabulous Portfolio of 2010 Tours go to>
Hello Marieka from Vancouver Canada. Loved your blog about New York and it has inspired me to go again as soon as possible (so many places, so little time).